Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala Brihatyadi Kashaya Choornam Brihatyadi Kashayam is an ayurvedic classical medicine mainly used for the treatment of dysuria (a painful and difficult urination. It has diuretic action and improves urine flow. It is also beneficial in other urinary diseases such as urinary calculi (renal stones), cystitis (inflammation of bladder), and urinary tract infections. Brihatyadi Kashayam Ingredients: - Ingredients : Quantity
- Solanum Indicum Brihati (Indian Nightshade) : 1 Part
- Solanum Xanthocarpum Kantakari : 1 Part
- Uraria Picta Prishnaparni : 1 Part
- Desmodium Gangeticum Shalaparni : 1 Part
- Tribulus Terrestris Gokshura : 1 Part
Indications: - Dysuria
- Kidney stones & Urinary calculi
- Cystitis (along with Chandraprabha Vati)
- Urinary tract infections (along with Chandanasava and Chandanadi vati)
The general dosage of Decoction (Kwath) prepared with Brihatyadi Kashayam Churna is as follows. - Children : 15 to 30 ml *
- Adults : 30 to 60 ml *
- Maximum Possible Dosage 120 ml Per Day (in divided doses)
- Twice a day
Please Note * Product will be selected from any of the following Brands / Companies depending upon availability: 1. Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakal 2. Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates 3. Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore 4. Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala 5. Kerala Ayurveda |