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 Copper Cup (Ayurvedic Detoxification Vessel)
Copper Cup
Item Code: AH-5669
Category   Ayurvedic Accessories
Price  $  9.95
Pack Size   250 ml Copper Cup with OM
Quantity Discount
Buy 3 At $ 8.96  Each (Save $ 2.97) (10 % off)
Buy 6 At $ 8.46  Each (Save $ 8.94) (15 % off)
Buy 12 At $ 7.96  Each (Save $ 23.88) (20 % off)
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 Product Description:
Copper Cup (Ayurvedic Detoxification Vessel)

Yogis and traditional households in India have for thousands of years (and are till today) been utilizing a simple, practical and effective method of drinking water in its most holistic way- drinking water from a copper cup or a large copper vessel where water is stored.

Ayurveda recommends storing water in copper vessels. Benefits of copper according to ayurveda:

- Drinking water from copper cups prevents ageing, vaya-sthapak.

- Copper can destroy undesirable virus and bacteria. When copper dissolves in water, water becomes ionic (electrolyte) as can be ascertained by its pH measurement. That is the reason the micro-organisms get killed in such water.

Copper is an essential element for living healthy life and complete metabolism cycle. The presence of Copper metal in a very small amount but adequate amount is sufficient for healthy living. The inadequacy of copper generates lots of disorders. The proper amount of copper can prevent you from a wide range of diseases.

In Ayurveda, the best source of copper intake is Tamra jal. "Tamra" means copper and "Jal" means water in Sanskrit. Tamra-jal is collection of water in a copper pot for 8-12 hours when it becomes copper ionised pure water, which is side-effect free remedy for various diseases.

This 100% Pure Copper Cup with "AUM" embedded on both side to impart spirituality.

For digestion, assimilation and occasional acidity

A real ayurveda classic. Fill the cup with water in the evening, leave it to stand overnight and drink the water the next morning. In ayurveda this water is particularly highly regarded because it is said to have a purifying as well as a balancing influence on Pitta dosha. From a scientific point of view, the water has absorbed pure copper, which in this form is an essential mineral for the body.
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